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Dental Crowns: What They Are and Why We Need Them

Dental crowns are a common form of dentistry that can help restore the strength and appearance of your smile. Whether you’re dealing with tooth decay or other damage, dental crowns effectively protect your teeth from further harm while also improving their aesthetic appeal. This article will explain exactly what dental crowns are, how they work, and why you may need one.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap used to cover an existing tooth. Dental crowns can be made from various materials, such as porcelain fused with metal, zirconia, or gold alloys. Dental crowns are often used to restore severely decayed teeth, protect weak teeth from further damage, and improve the appearance of discolored or misshaped teeth. Dental crowns can also cover dental implants or serve as an anchor for a dental bridge.

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

Dental crowns are designed to fit over the existing tooth structure and help strengthen it while restoring its aesthetic appeal. The process of getting a dental crown usually takes two visits. During the first visit, your dentist will prepare the existing tooth by filing it so the crown can fit on top. Then, an impression will be made of the tooth to create a custom-made crown that fits perfectly. During your second visit, the dentist will cement the crown, so it is secure and looks natural.

Why Do We Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are often used as a restorative dentistry procedure to help protect weakened teeth from further damage. Dental crowns are also commonly used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of misshaped or discolored teeth. Dental crowns can also cover dental implants or serve as anchors for dental bridges. Dental crowns are one of the most popular restorative dentistry treatments available and can help protect your teeth against future damage while also improving the look of your smile.


Dental crowns are one of the most popular forms of restorative dentistry and offer a great way to strengthen weakened teeth, cover dental implants, and improve the aesthetic appeal of misshaped or discolored teeth. Dental crowns can be made from various materials, such as porcelain fused with metal, zirconia, or gold alloys. Dental crowns usually require two visits to ensure they fit securely over an existing tooth structure. Dental crowns can be used for both cosmetic and functional purposes, offering a great way to restore strength and beauty to your smile.

1. How long does it take to get a dental crown?

Generally, the process of getting a dental crown takes two visits. During the first visit, your dentist will prepare the existing tooth, and an impression will be made to create a custom-made crown that fits perfectly. Your second visit will consist of your dentist cementing the crown so it is secure and looks natural.

2. Are Dental Crowns permanent?

Yes, once a dental crown has been placed, it is typically considered permanent unless there are any changes or damage to the underlying tooth structure. Dental crowns are designed to be durable and last for many years with proper care and maintenance.