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Say Goodbye To Tooth Sensitivity With Soft Tissue Grafts

Tooth sensitivity is a prevalent problem affecting millions of people worldwide. It causes discomfort or pain when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. This sensitivity often results from gum recession, which exposes the root surfaces of the teeth. While there are various treatments available, soft tissue grafts have emerged as a highly effective solution for addressing tooth sensitivity and improving oral health. This blog will explore how soft tissue grafts can help eliminate tooth sensitivity and enhance your smile.

About Tooth Sensitivity and Soft Tissue Grafts

Tooth sensitivity happens when the layer beneath the surface of the tooth, known as dentin, becomes exposed. Nerve terminals are contained in small tubules found in dentin that can be triggered by temperature changes or certain foods, leading to pain or discomfort. Common causes of tooth sensitivity include:

  • Gum Recession: When gums recede, the tooth roots become exposed, making them more susceptible to sensitivity.
  • Enamel Erosion: The erosion of tooth enamel due to acidic foods, drinks, or aggressive brushing can expose the dentin.
  • Tooth Decay or Damage: Cavities or fractured teeth may reveal the dentin and cause discomfort.
  • Teeth Grinding: Grinding or clenching can wear down the enamel and expose dentin.

What Are Soft Tissue Grafts?

Soft tissue grafts, also known as gum grafts, are a surgical method for treating recession of the gums and protecting the tooth roots. This procedure involves taking tissue, usually from the oral cavity or an additional donor source, and then affixing it to the receding gum area. Soft tissue grafts serve several purposes, including:

  • Covering Exposed Roots: Protects the tooth roots from further damage and sensitivity.
  • Enhancing Gum Health: Strengthens and stabilizes the gums, preventing future recession.
  • Better Aesthetics: Restores the natural appearance of the gums, enhancing the overall look of your smile.

Types of Soft Tissue Grafts

Three primary categories of soft tissue transplants exist that are used to address gum recession:

1. Connective Tissue Grafts

Gum grafts made of connective tissue are the most popular kind of grafting procedure. This method involves taking a little fragment of connective tissue that is found underneath the surface of the mouth. The tissue is then placed over the exposed root area and stitched into place. The benefits of connective tissue grafts include:

  • Predictable Results: High success rate and reliable outcomes.
  • Minimal Discomfort: The donor site heals quickly and causes minimal discomfort.
  • Effective Coverage: Provides excellent coverage for exposed roots, reducing sensitivity.

2. Free Gingival Grafts

Free gingival grafts involve taking tissue directly and connecting it to the impacted area from the roof of the mouth gum area. This type of graft is often used in patients with thin gums who need additional tissue to strengthen and protect their gums. Key advantages of free gingival grafts include:

  • Increased Tissue Thickness: Helps thicken and strengthen the gums.
  • Prevents Further Recession: Provides added protection against future gum recession.

3. Pedicle Grafts

Dentists use pedicle grafts when there is sufficient gum tissue adjacent to the recession site. During this procedure, dentists partially cut a flap of tissue from the existing gum and pull it over the exposed root area. Pedicle grafts offer several benefits, such as:

  • Utilizes Local Tissue: No need for a separate donor site, reducing healing time.
  • Natural Appearance: Maintains blood supply to the graft, promoting natural healing.

The Procedure and Recovery

Typically a periodontist, specialist in gum health performs the soft tissue graft procedure. Here’s what you can expect during the procedure and recovery:

  • Preparation: The periodontist will assess your oral health. Then choose the right kind of graft for your needs. The use of local anesthetic guarantees patient comfort throughout the process.
  • Grafting: The chosen graft technique is used to place the tissue over the exposed roots. The graft is carefully stitched into place.
  • Healing: Recovery time varies depending on the type of graft and the individual’s healing process. Most patients experience mild discomfort and swelling for a few days following the procedure.
  • Aftercare: It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions, which may include dietary restrictions, oral hygiene guidelines, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing.

Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafts for Tooth Sensitivity

Soft tissue grafts offer several advantages for individuals suffering from tooth sensitivity due to gum recession:

  • Reduced Sensitivity: By covering exposed roots, soft tissue grafts help minimize sensitivity and discomfort.
  • Improved Oral Health: Strengthening the gums can prevent further recession and protect against decay and gum disease.
  • Enhanced Smile Aesthetics: Restoring the natural gum line enhances the appearance of your smile and boosts confidence.
  • Long-Term Results: Soft tissue grafts provide a durable solution to gum recession, promoting long-term oral health.

Factors Influencing Success

Several factors can influence the success of soft tissue grafts, including:

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, is crucial for successful healing and long-term results.
  • Lifestyle Habits: Avoiding smoking and using tobacco products can improve healing and enhance the outcome of the graft.
  • Follow-Up Care: Attending follow-up appointments with your periodontist ensures proper healing and allows for any necessary adjustments.

Tooth sensitivity caused by gum recession can be a persistent and uncomfortable problem. Soft tissue grafts provide an effective solution for reducing sensitivity, enhancing gum health, and improving the appearance of your smile. By addressing the root cause of tooth sensitivity, soft tissue grafts offer long-lasting benefits and relief from discomfort.

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity due to gum recession, consult with a dental professional to determine if soft tissue grafts are the right solution for you. With proper care and treatment, you can say goodbye to tooth sensitivity and enjoy a healthier, more confident smile.


1. Can soft tissue grafts help prevent further gum recession and sensitivity?

Yes, soft tissue grafts can help prevent further gum recession by reinforcing the gums and protecting exposed roots. By addressing the underlying cause of sensitivity, the graft can improve gum health and reduce the risk of future recession. Maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups are also important in preventing further issues.

2. How long does it take for a soft tissue graft to fully heal?

The initial healing period for a soft tissue graft usually takes about one to two weeks, during which patients may experience some swelling and discomfort. However, complete healing and integration of the graft with the surrounding gum tissue can take several months.

3. Can soft tissue grafts be used to treat sensitivity in all teeth?

Gum recession can lead to tooth sensitivity, especially when you’ve exposed teeth roots. Soft tissue grafts can effectively treat this condition. Dentists commonly use them on the front teeth, which are more prone to recession, but they can also apply them to any tooth experiencing gum recession.

A dental professional will evaluate the specific needs of each patient to determine the suitability of a graft for particular teeth.